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Our Services

Women's Empowered Pelvic Health & Myofascial Release! Let's work on your wellbeing...

Pelvic Floor Therapy & Myofascial Release are designed to address a range of symptoms related to pelvic floor dysfunction and fascial restriction, offering transformative benefits for overall well-being.

Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms, such as pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, and discomfort during intercourse, can significantly impact daily life. Our specialized therapy aims to target and alleviate these issues by focusing on strengthening, flexibility, and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles.

Additionally, myofascial release is incorporated to address fascial restrictions that may contribute to discomfort and limited mobility. The fascia, a connective tissue surrounding muscles, can tighten and cause restrictions, leading to pain and reduced function. Myofascial release techniques help release tension, restoring balance and promoting better movement.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Therapy and Myofascial Release:


1. Improved Pelvic Health:  Addressing issues such as incontinence, pelvic/abdominal/lower back /hip pain, painful intercourse, prolapse, constipation, pregnancy or postpartum related complications, birth preparation etc.


2. Enhanced Mobility:  Myofascial release aids in releasing restrictions, promoting smoother movement.


3. Increased Comfort:  Alleviating discomfort associated with pelvic floor dysfunction and fascial tightness.


4. Holistic well-being:  Comprehensive care that considers the interconnectedness of physical and emotional health.

Don’t let pelvic floor issues impact your quality of life. Schedule an evaluation today to explore how Pelvic Floor Therapy and Myofascial Release can make a positive difference in your health and wellness journey.



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